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The Personal Pane

This view displays your personal information: name, employee ID, contract, hire date, site (business unit), team, last login, and depending on whether or not you have changed it, the site or your current time zone.

If you select a time zone, other than the site time zone, the Schedule, Trading, Preferences, and Time Off modules display information, based on the selected time zone. (See an example of the Time Zone drop-down list below).


This view also offers a graphical choice of screen-display themes, which you might know from other programs as skins. Themes apply a different color to various elements on the screen and are displayed as miniature versions of the Schedule view. To switch to a different theme, click on it, and wait for a few moments while WFM applies the new theme.

WM 850 last login timestamp.png
Figure: Time Zone Drop-Down List—Personal Pane

このページの最終更新日時は 2016年9月20日 (火) 01:34 です。
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